In celebration of Valentine’s Day, The Rural Homemaker is hosting a $100 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal Cash Giveaway, and I’m giving other bloggers an opportunity to participate!
If you are interested in participating in this blogger opp, please complete the form below. Free, paid, and Co-host spots are available.
BLOGGER OPP SIGN UP DATES: 1/11/2024 – 1/29/2024
GIVEWAY DATES: 2/1/2024 – 2/14/2024
HTML for the giveaway post will be sent out a few days before the event and will use a Rafflecopter widget.
ALL giveaway posts should must go live on 2/1/24 by noon.
All signups to participate are due by 1/29/2024 to be guaranteed to be included with the posts go live. If you would like to be added AFTER 1/29/2024, please be sure to email me so that I can manually add you.
FREE LINK: for all bloggers in exchange for sharing the post on your blog. Rafflecopter will be used for the giveaway widget, so please be sure your blog can handle the widget or be prepared to link back to the host page so that your followers can still enter. Free links can be your choice of Twitter or Facebook page likes.
PAY PER LINK: You would like to add additional links, each link will be $2 each.
CO-HOST OPTIONS: $15 each. If you would like to co-host this giveaway, co-hosts spots are available and will include your choice of links on the Rafflecopter along with being listed as a co-host with a link to your blog. CO-HOSTS will receive 7 links of their choice from the options below.
- Facebook Page Like
- Twitter Follow
- Pinterest Follow
- Instagram profile view (can’t require a like/follow, but we can encourage it)
- TikTok
- YouTube
- Comment on a post
- Other – let me know what you would like
PAYMENT: Please send payment through PayPal via family and friends to [email protected]. If payment is not received, you will not be added to the linkup.
SIGNUP: Please sign up using this form below. If the form does not show up for you in this page, you can find it HERE.
you will need to be sure to include your email and all pertinent info and links.
POSTING INFORMATION: All posts must go live by 2/1/2024 at noon CST. If your post is not live, your links will be removed, and no refund will be issued. (If you have an emergency, please reach out ASAP. I understand stuff happens, but communication is key!)
If you sign up for this blogger opportunity, you will receive an email by 1/29/2024 with the HTML. You will need to add your own brief intro and any relevant information you would like to add. You may add to the giveaway post, but you must include the giveaway widget, host & co-host links, and giveaway image and pertinent info.
**** If you want to make your giveaway post even more engaging for your site, feel free to add a linky party into the mix or use it to showcase some of your favorite Valentine’s Day posts. It would be a great idea to your Valentine’s Day content links near the bottom of your post so that once visitors are done entering the giveaway, they can find your related posts and continue to hangout on your site which is great for SEO.
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions, be sure to contact me at [email protected] .